For nearly seven years now I have been writing a memoir about a huge event that happened in my life ten years ago. God has called me to bring this "Secret" out into the open and I have been amazed at the lessons He has taught me through it. The first and hardest of which was making the decision to call it a memoir and not a novel and to come to trust Him with what it might mean to no longer carry this secret from most of my family and dearest friends. It has been such a liberating journey, leaving my worries of what people will think of this story, and as such, me. God has taught me that this is not my story, but His and to Him be all the glory and praise for it. The future of this work is still a mystery to me. Will it be published? Widely distributed? Will He use this in other's lives to help girls in the same situation as I was ten years ago? I am not sure. He has not revealed that to me yet. Right now, I'm just writing and leaving the rest to God. Perhaps it will go no where, just privately published and distributed around to family and friends. If so, I will be okay with that. It is God's story and I leave it in His capable hands.
I write when I can, usually during the girls' tv time or naps or after they're in bed for the night. Pretty much when I can squeeze it in around my other mom and wife duties or when I'm not completely exhausted. It certainly makes the days fly by. I cannot believe how quickly this spring seems to be passing. Before we know it, summer will be here! Im so thankful that despite crazy business, the garden is mostly done. All seeds are either in the ground or germinating in th greenhouse. Most of the beds are prepped or planted and I have high hopes for produce this year after taking much advise from Garden Wisdom and Know-How and Backyard Farming.

Easter was fun for our family. The girls got dressed up and took pretty pictures together on Saturday and then opened bunny baskets and found hidden Easter eggs on Sunday. Then, we spent the afternoon with family on the east side for a large dinner.

The previous week the girls and I spent a few days in Bend with my dear friend and cousin Tracy and her family. We got snow while there, which was cool, and spent much of the days playing, talking and wiping noses, like we often do when we get together.
Our being gone allowed Jonathan to catch up on much work without distraction at home. We had planned on taking that trip a couple weeks ago, but had to cancel because of colds. Jonathan still needed time to work at home, so we spent that week at my parent's instead. It turned out to be a good thing as my mother had fractured a rib and was given strict doctor's orders to lay low and rest until she healed.
Jonathan has been so busy at work lately because in a recent re-org he was given many many more employees to manage. Hopefully, they will eventually make things easier on him in the future, but until then, he continues to put in many hours in Salem as well as at home. The weather has been nicer lately, though, allowing him to ride his motorcycle more often to work, which has been nice on our gas budget! I've also been able to ride a couple times with him since we got me a helmet and jacket and we even had ourselves a little "Motorcycle date night" where we hired a sitter and everything!
Despite his business with work, Jonathan continues to improve his talent in beer and wine making, most recently, he has been working on my Eagle Creek Blackberry Wine, which probably still wont be ready for another six months. Other works he has in mind include an Earl Grey summer beer and perhaps even a batch of Mead!
In March we took a trip to Seattle, just the two of us, while my parent's watched the kids. A friend of mine was getting married and it was nice to attend the wedding sans kids! When we got home, though, we had to put our Big Kitty, Sylvester down. He had lost ten pounds in less than a year and had a mass in his abdomen. It was very sad.
Adaya continues to blossom into a little girl, standing up and cruising all over the place. We are certain it wont be long before she is walking unassisted. In Bend, she learned to crawl backwards down the stairs and since we have been home has been perfecting her new skill almost constantly! She continues to say more and more new words each day. Last week, we packed up her high chair and she is now sitting in a booster at the table with the rest of the family! It's hard not to think of her as baby Adaya anymore, but she really seems to be adjusting well into her little girl role.
Big sister Chloe is such a help and joy around the house. She picks up after herself so well, is getting better at listening and obeying and loves to play and pretend. For Easter she got a Tangled doll and takes her wherever she goes. I find it harder and harder to keep up with all her questions and endless energy. She is definitely ready for some summer parks and rec activities as well as preschool next fall!
With both our girls growing up so fast, a part of us is excited about bringing another baby home and we think May might just be the right month to start trying! It would be so easy to stop at two and while some days I cannot imagine bringing another baby into our crazy lives, but at the end of it all, both Jonathan and I know we want more that two kids.
So, here it is, almost May...the days are getting longer, the garden is sprouting and it, spring cleaning, my book and babies are constantly on my mind. And yet, I have no motivation. Instead, it is 11 am and I am still in my pjs, drinking coffee and blogging, when I have a thousand things on my mind I should be doing. Reading my Bible, cleaning, cooking, packing away winter stuff and bringing out summer stuff, doing laundry or writing. Oh spring motivation when will you hit me again?