On day two (Wednesday) she woke up with a wet diaper, went pee-pee in the potty, had wet panties at the first hour of potty time, but then went poopie in the potty -YEAH! Unfortunately, the rest of the morning was not great: two more wet panties (and jeans) and no pee-pees in the potty later, she was definetley ready for a nap by 11:30 even though she usually goes down at 1. She woke up a changed toddler, though with a dry diaper, successful pee-pees in the potty and dry panties the rest of the day, even for Dadda when I left for "Mom's night out." I am now very confident that she will will only get better from now on!
On Thursday, I turned (gulp) 30. I began my morning with a 4 am feeding but couldn't go back to sleep afterwards. I laid in bed and thought about the last ten years and what the next ten might hold. Finally at 5:30 I got up, went downstairs and read my Bible, prayed and wrote in my journal. By 7 I headed back to bed and at 8 was awakened by Chloe and Adaya. Jon worked from home and sweetly made me a yummy breakfast in bed, well, actually, he had to tell me to get back into bed to eat it! Then, Chloe, Adaya and I headed to our weekly mom's group to spend the morning with my wonderful friends. On our way, I told Chloe that it was Mamma's birthday, to which she replied that no it was not.
Jon took the rest of the afternoon off and we spent the day just hanging out as a family before going to one of my favorite restaurants, the Marakesh, a very yummy Morraccan restaurant where you sit on pillows and eat with your fingers! My parents and brother Eric with his girlfriend, Shana, joined us and it was a lovely evening.

Even Chloe, who ran back and forth from sitting between her grandparents to Jon and me, enjoyed the eccentric venue and new ethnic tastes, but especially the belly-dancer! At one point Chloe turned to Jon and said, "she needs a shirt on" and when we asked if she wanted to dance with her, she replied that she couldn't because she had left her "lady" at home (lady is Chloe's word for dress or skirt) Adaya could have cared less about the evening, and despite not really sleeping much all day, was in a very good temperment.

On a potty-training note, Chloe meekly sat on the potty when I asked her to all day long...even at mom's group, but only went pee-pee in the potty once in the morning and preferred to wear diapers to panties all day long. By the end of the afternoon, we gave up on asking her to sit on the potty. Oh, well, we will resume our militance tomorrow!
It was a simply lovely birthday, and I am so thankful for all my wonderful family and friends...I love you all!
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