On an Adaya note, her 4 month check-up in March revealed that at only 10 pounds, she has yet to double her birth weight and is at zero percentile. So, at the doc's suggestion, we began feeding her one meal of solids each day, introducing rice cereal, avocado, banana and sweet potatoes. By 5 months, she was up to 1st percentile and 11 pounds, so we began two meals a day. By 6 months a couple weeks ago, she was still under 12 pounds, so we decided to up it to 3 meals a day and have been introducing her to oatmeal, millet, peaches, pumpkin, pears and mango. We will takwe her back in for another weight check appointment in a couple weeks to see how her weight is doing by then. Thankfully the doc is not too concerned and has yet to even mention failure to thrive, considering she is meeting all her milestones: sleeping through the night, rolling over and playing with toys.
Jonathan has been very busy with work and while he is still working in Salem, he at least is able to work one day a week in the Portland office. We were considering selling the house and had been doing all sorts of fun remodeling projects like new carpet and floors until Easter, when a hot water main burst in our crawlspace and caused a lot of damage. A plumber, a home insurance claim and $10,000 worth of repairs later, we are ever so anxious to get out of this money pit, but continuing to pray for God's leading.

We have also been spending a lot of time fixing up our garden and now have everything in the ground: squash, tomatoes, lettuce, corn, beets, radishes, potatoes, peas, beans, leeks, onions, carrots, watermelon, peppers and cucumbers. Whew! Strawberries have been producing, but I still need to figure out a pest control for them and the aphids are in full-force again, but thankfully the fish oil is keeping them at bay. It looks like spring all around our yard with flowers, fruit, bluberries and all our vegetables blooming, but the weather had been raining and gloomy for weeks. Its hard to believe its even June here...or Junuary as it has been dubbed on some news stations. Chloe helped a lot, which was really sweet!

We got sad news just before Easter that Jonathan's maternal grandmother passed away in her home in California, so for a memorial service, we had an informal family gathering Easter weekend. It was sad, but also very happy to see many cousins and introduce Adaya.
For a Mother's Day gift, we had family pictures takem, which was fun, and even got a cute little shot of just the two girls...thanks to Dadda for picking out the matching outfits!

For the past Memorial Day weekend, Jonathan's dad, stepmom and neice came up to visit and we had a great time visiting the zoo, beach and eating WAY too much. It was doubly special because it was Terry and Cheryl's anniversary and Cheryl's birthday, too!
With our anniversary coming next week, Jonathan and I are excited to get away from the girls for a night and that weekend will also be the Grand Floral parade, which I know Chloe will enjoy. Then comes Jonathan's birthday and before we know it, it will be 4th of July and then the Salinas Rodeo! Hello, summer, you cannot get here fast enough!
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