Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014 Blessings

Our family is not in the habit of making new year's resolutions. Well, at least Jonathan is not. I have always like the idea of them. Not the typical "I'm gonna work out every day," "lose 20 pound," "eat less chocolate," etc. kind of resolutions but being a better wife, mommy and person kind. Unfortunately, in true human fashion, they are too quickly lost and forgotten as my old character, nasty habits and selfish ways creep back over me. I try to hang on to them a little longer by writing them in my journal or blogging and facebooking about them, but still, I cannot seem to change who I am. Who I always have been.
This is a concept that has become extremely clear to me as I get older. In my teens and twenties I still looked at my dreams of change and fantasies for my future as obtainable, but now, in my thirties, I look back and realize that some of them I have been telling myself that I will do for over 15 years! Geez...15 years?!!!! I think most people would assume that if it has been 15 years and you STILL have not accomplished something, it is safe to say that you may never do it. Now, normally, I don't have that negative kind of thinking, but at some point, don't you have to start being realistic with your life, right?
So, gone are the days where my new year's dreams would surround being a model-thin, yoga master with perfect style, hair and make-up everyday. And now, they more surround how can I be more patient with my children, a more supportive wife, a better friend and less selfishly engaged in my own things. Be on my phone, laptop and TV less and present with the people in front of me more. Cook using whole foods and limit the processed, high fructose and chemicals that we consume. Turn off the TV and pray and read the Bible more as a family. And finally, enjoy and cherish the moments today because they are quicker than ever becoming yesterday.
And this year, I want to, as a family, look back and remember the blessings we have seen in 12 months. More than just dim memories and scribbled notes blogged online or on my journal's pages. And so I have started a "2014 Blessings Jar" and love how it is almost two-fold...containing the blessings of the year 2014, but also a challenge...can we fill the year with 2,014 blessings? If we look, really look, I am sure there are more than 10,000...EACH DAY!
2013 has been hard. And it has been JOYFUL. Gains and losses, laughter and heartache, mountains and valleys. I am so privileged to have a strong community of family and friends to navigate this life with and share the triumphs and tears. But I am most thankful for an almightyunchanging God that goes before me and gives me rest in the uncertain future. Welcome 2014. Bring it!

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